Tuesday 30 October 2007

Kanon ftw!! Your waiting has not been in vain...

I'm back! Been a month since last post and more than that since last release. Sorry about that, everyone has been busy recently, and not just with the start of the autumn anime season, so things have been slow. However, this doujinshi is quite long, so no complaints please(though I will admit I translated it in a few hours about a month ago).

Anyway, Kanon. One of my favourite anime and I wish I had the time to play the game. This doujinshi is just Akiko (and Yuuichi) but there seems to be a sort of sequel by the same circle, and that one has some Nayuki in it too. It's even longer, more than fifty pages I think, but if you want us to we'll be happy to do that one too. Post a comment and tell us if it's a good idea.

We still intend to do the rest of the Cuvie - midara na soshitsu manga but it will probably have to wait until around Christmas, I think. Any procrastination is as unbearable to me as it is to you. Patience is a virtue.....